
If the pain does not go away ……. Pray for me so that I don’t give up Walk with me so that I realise that this life is worth living. Ask me to talk about all the things I am grateful for. Hold my hand and never let me go. May your acts be evidentContinue reading “Stay”

Starting all over again

This poem is for anyone who is making a big decision. It’s okay to start all over again🤗. I forgot to cover the bruises and the scars today.Oh, my this is how far it has gone.There is a voice whispering saying, it will not end well,”. I have avoided all the signs and the fearContinue reading “Starting all over again”

Don’t dwell in the past

As I look back I don’t have any regrets, I have made a lot of mistakes and there was a time I hated myself. But I have managed to reach out to the younger version with myself and a heart to heart conversation with her. Instead of judging her, I have allowed her to shareContinue reading “Don’t dwell in the past”

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