
  I hope you will know when to stand up and when to sit down.  You should know when to take the lead and when to watch  Sometimes you have to allow yourself to be comfortable  You can unpack your belongings and choose to stay.  Yet on some occasions, you should pack your belongings andContinue reading “Time”

Oh axe, the tree never forgets

Time heals all wounds but there are some experiences that our memory fails to forget. This is because these experiences might have left us feeling worthless, humiliated and hurt. Maybe people have fought back the tears because they were in public but when they were alone they let their hearts bleed through their tears. TheseContinue reading “Oh axe, the tree never forgets”

Heroes without capes

  Not all heroes wear capes or have known superpowers. Some heroes are ordinary people whose actions have sealed the crack or removed the dentin you. Some heroes have long forgotten their actions but how can you forget when they touched your heart and made you feel loved?     When I was in High SchoolContinue reading “Heroes without capes”

Friends of The Baobab: It wasn’t a fairytale

Dear Alex Where exactly do I start? A lot has happened in a short space of time and it has become difficult to start from the very beginning. I can’t name what happened between us because like you said the first time we met, “naming relationships secretly destroys them”. I agree with you now becauseContinue reading “Friends of The Baobab: It wasn’t a fairytale”

Habra- Kadabra, make a wish

Missing….. Spending time with the people we love who are in distant places. Wishing…. If we had acted maturely and not selfishly, maybe we would not have lost beautiful friendships and relationships. Our loved ones had lived to see our success, our children or had been here to calm our fears. The world would easilyContinue reading “Habra- Kadabra, make a wish”

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