From blessing to burden

Tenzi Musiku( God our Creator) How can our memory forget the times we knelt before you, with a heavy heart and tears on our cheeks? We asked you Tenzi, to remember us, to hear our prayer and carry us through the day. We longed to have children who would call us Baba and Mai. WeContinue reading “From blessing to burden”

#WinterABC2023 The Warmth: Day 11-The Bible and the altar

Africans are notoriously religious.”- John Mbiti We knelt down, closed our eyes and Gogo led the prayer.As Gogo prayed my mother and aunt would constantly say “yes, chokwadi or shuwa Mwari”. If it wasn’t a prayer Tino and I would have giggled but this act would only attract a beating regardless of your age. PrayerContinue reading “#WinterABC2023 The Warmth: Day 11-The Bible and the altar”

Is love supposed to break you?

As I drove into my parent’s driveway I allowed myself to be human and vulnerable. There was no pretending that I was okay, it was time to cry, to scream, to hear my heart crumbling into pieces, and to wait for my parents to say “but Tanya we warned you”. Ubucwebe is fast asleep andContinue reading “Is love supposed to break you?”

A book review: Tomorrow I become a woman

Author:Aiwanose OdafenCover rating: 4/5 Overall rating: 5/5Themes: family, love, religion, death marriage, wealth, friendship, gender-based violence, “The damage couldn’t be covered by makeup; the bruises were much too dark and the swellings were much too pronounced no matter how much ice I put on them”. What I learned from the book-Love can be toxic.-There isContinue reading “A book review: Tomorrow I become a woman”

Uncalled for questions: Why I don’t have children?

I want to be ready before I have children. I want to be financially ready so that my children do not grow up thinking that they are a financial burden.I want to be financially ready so that in my old age I will be able to take care of myself and not rely on myContinue reading “Uncalled for questions: Why I don’t have children?”

……I pray for her more than me

My knees are bruised from kupfugama. Mind you I am not scrubbing the floor, that ship has sailed I have accepted that I won’t be a perfect makoti. I have been kneeling in prayer and I am now able to pray for others. I have lost my voice and I have wept at Jesus’ feetContinue reading “……I pray for her more than me”

A book review: Yinka, where is your husband?

Hello my lovelies, today is your lucky day🥰🥰🥰. You got two reviews in one day. I was supposed to publish the other book review two days ago but unfortunately, I was having challenges with my network service provider. I hope the reviews were worth the wait.-The Baobab😊🤭 Author: Lizzie Damilola BlackburnCover rating: 4/5Overall rating:3/5Themes: family,Continue reading “A book review: Yinka, where is your husband?”

A book review: A Family Affair

, Author: Sue NyathiCover rating: 5/5Overall rating:4/5Themes: family, religion, marriage, abuse, economic hardships, adultery, corruption, guilt “Politics is a dirty game. Marriage is even dirtier” SummaryA Family Affair is a story that evolves around the Mafu family. The Mafu family is a Christian well–up family that lives in Bulawayo Zimbabwe. The family experiences a lotContinue reading “A book review: A Family Affair”

WinterABC2022 Stories of our World:African Spirituality

“Wherever the African is, there is religion”-J. S Mbiti I looked at my son and smiled, he was now a grown man. He was no longer throwing tantrums or sulking and yet I always referred to him as my little boy. He was leaving home for the University of Zimbabwe. Would he be able toContinue reading “WinterABC2022 Stories of our World:African Spirituality”

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