Get a warm blanket and let’s catch up

Hey Darling reader It has been months since I have had a monthly stocktake. A lot has been happening and sometimes all I can do is breathe. sometimes I feel as if my world is spinning, on other days I have my heart beaming with joy and on other days I beg Mwari to carryContinue reading “Get a warm blanket and let’s catch up”

From blessing to burden

Tenzi Musiku( God our Creator) How can our memory forget the times we knelt before you, with a heavy heart and tears on our cheeks? We asked you Tenzi, to remember us, to hear our prayer and carry us through the day. We longed to have children who would call us Baba and Mai. WeContinue reading “From blessing to burden”

Friends of The Baobab: An Ordinary-Special Girl

Born in Johannesburg, and raised in Centurion, South Africa. Daughter, sister, niece, and aunt to two adorable little girls. In working within the hospitality industry for 10 years, I gained expertise in event coordination and management. I am passionate about people and literature and thrive in environments that allow me to express myself in variousContinue reading “Friends of The Baobab: An Ordinary-Special Girl”

I only compare MYSELF to “myself”

I want you to take time and look at these three pictures. What do you see?  One thing these three pictures have in common is that they are all Jacaranda trees and the flowers will bloom in no time and the roads will be purple.   Applying the image in our daily lives is both painful and easy.Continue reading “I only compare MYSELF to “myself””

Back to basics

I have heard organisations discuss that sometimes they need to go back to the basics. Highlight the organization’s goals, objectives and even why the organisation came into existence. With the turn of events in my life I have decided to do the same. Why have I decided to go back to basics? I woke upContinue reading “Back to basics”

Look around and count your blessings

My bags are already packed and nothing is going to make me change my mind. I have to go because although it is scary it is the right thing to do. I will be back soon, hopefully, but before I go I thought I should tell you that… It is a great feeling to haveContinue reading “Look around and count your blessings”

Inhale positive energy

If you have listened to my podcast episodes the words “inhale positive energy and exhale negative energy” are not new to you. Of late I have been struggling with anxiety and you do not need to feel sorry for me. I am learning to teach myself that I cannot control everything so here I amContinue reading “Inhale positive energy”

#WinterABC2023 The light: Day 16 – Dead but alive

Winter storms have come and darkened my sun! -Whitney Houston I am angry at Chandi for not dying, I am angry at him for moving around the house looking lost and wondering where he is. I am angry at him because I have had to watch him suffer and the hurtful words I receive fromContinue reading “#WinterABC2023 The light: Day 16 – Dead but alive”

Goodbye January, Hey February 👋🏽❤

January has already come to an end and oh boy it’s already February! So does it mean it’s only two or I mean ten months until Christmas🤭🤣? My January wasn’t moving at a slow or fast pace. Guess it was just the normal pace. Sis went to the gym and I must say I mightContinue reading “Goodbye January, Hey February 👋🏽❤”

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