Waving too soon

Sometimes we let go of our dreams or plans because we know that there is nothing else we can do. Letting go isn’t easy, it is painful and it takes time to heal. Oh my Darling reader, I do hope you find healing. We let go too soon so that it doesn’t hurt We areContinue reading “Waving too soon”

What if you had stayed a little longer?

Happy Friday, I hope September has been kind to you; if you love someone, tell them while you can. This blog post was inspired by Beau William’s song Elvina and I only discovered that it is Elvina not “I will be”, you are allowed to laugh at me just for today.   Have you ever thoughtContinue reading “What if you had stayed a little longer?”

Dear self: To my future self

Dear Future Self, I want you to take a break from whatever you are doing, step outside and take a deep breath, gaze upon the leaves on the ground, close your eyes, and say a little prayer. If my future went as planned, from the day that I wrote this letter, you are a Conservation maverickContinue reading “Dear self: To my future self”

You did your best ❤

You have come this far to be sulking. You have made it to the last day of 2022. Maybe you haven’t ticked everything off your to-do list or achieved your set goals but guess what? You are alive, healthy, and reading this. Surely it calls for celebration. Count your blessings, applaud yourself for your achievementsContinue reading “You did your best ❤”

The Adulting series: Drunk aunts and Uncles

Do you remember when you were young and happy and had such big dreams of what kind of life you wanted to have? I remember I wanted to be a lawyer because everyone wanted to be either that or a doctor. But the older I got the more I realised that no man, I wantContinue reading “The Adulting series: Drunk aunts and Uncles”

The adulting series:Is adulting a scam?

Hello my lovely readers. The adulting series continues. Enjoy🤗 Adulthood phew, it has taught me a lot. It’s funny how I always wanted to be a grown-up not knowing how much of a scam it is😔. It has taught me to prioritize myself always because when your friend, partner, or sibling gets the opportunity, theyContinue reading “The adulting series:Is adulting a scam?”

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