#WinterABC24 -African Literature: The symbol of value

Dear Slyvia and Susan I refuse to drown my grief and pain with alcohol because my previous encounters have been harsh. I will allow myself to feel the pain and pray that the pain does not consume me. My heart is sore but I am not sure if it is anger, resentment, or grief. IContinue reading “#WinterABC24 -African Literature: The symbol of value”

Get a warm blanket and let’s catch up

Hey Darling reader It has been months since I have had a monthly stocktake. A lot has been happening and sometimes all I can do is breathe. sometimes I feel as if my world is spinning, on other days I have my heart beaming with joy and on other days I beg Mwari to carryContinue reading “Get a warm blanket and let’s catch up”

If this is my sunset

  If this is my sunset, and I never see the sunrise please look after my children. Be my eyes and ears. Hug my kids a little tighter every time you see them. Remind them of who I was and how much I loved them. As you know Jabu stammers you still have to remindContinue reading “If this is my sunset”

A book review: The Mire Painting a Mirage

Trigger warnings: Suicide, rape, death Themes: Marriage, family dynamics, childhood traumas, sexual and emotional abuse, culture, emigration, tradition, identity crisis, culture shock, HIV and AIDS, rape, suicide, funeral rites, infidelity Cover rating 4.5/5 Overall rating 4/5 Summary The story is told through the eyes of Ruva and the story begins when she is in theContinue reading “A book review: The Mire Painting a Mirage”

Friends of The Baobab: Dad wounds

I am excited to be introducing “Friends of The Baobab” as I countdown to my three-year blogversary. On Fridays, friends of the blog are allowed a chance to vent, share their personal experiences and even hold the creative pen. In the words of Maya Angelou, “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold storyContinue reading “Friends of The Baobab: Dad wounds”

He took a part of my heart to the grave

Hey, my favs this is a continuation of Wednesday’s blog post. Meet Keri with a broken heart. As much as this is all fiction, I believe that everyone has a Chandi in their life. The person that they loved but never got a chance to tell them. Some people moved, some died and some peopleContinue reading “He took a part of my heart to the grave”

#WinterABC2023 The light: Day 16 – Dead but alive

Winter storms have come and darkened my sun! -Whitney Houston I am angry at Chandi for not dying, I am angry at him for moving around the house looking lost and wondering where he is. I am angry at him because I have had to watch him suffer and the hurtful words I receive fromContinue reading “#WinterABC2023 The light: Day 16 – Dead but alive”

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