#WinterABC24: What the AfroBloggers community means to you- One big family

Baba I was angry at you, you left without saying goodbye and you kept me a secret. Was it because of the shame or guilt? Why was I never allowed to let anyone know that I was related to you? Your death was painful, I was devastated and I could not go to the villageContinue reading “#WinterABC24: What the AfroBloggers community means to you- One big family”

#WinterABC24: The blogging journey: The driving force

Today I have decided to invite you backstage so that you get to see the tiny fragments that make The Baobab. My story isn’t complete without Ma, she instilled my love for reading and writing stories. Reading showed me the power of storytelling and how we can get lost in a good story. I alsoContinue reading “#WinterABC24: The blogging journey: The driving force”

#WinterABC24: Stories of Resilience and Growth- Dear Bestie

“Keep writing”, was the soft whisper that kept us sane. Each time we decided to let go the mission wasn’t successful. We find ourselves unpacking the bags and deciding to stay. How can we let go of the spaces that feel like home? Our blogs have seen our happy, angry, frustrated and sad characters. WhenContinue reading “#WinterABC24: Stories of Resilience and Growth- Dear Bestie”

#WinterABC24: Life stock take- To the butterfly

Dear The Baobab ( my older self) Who would have thought that you would turn into a beautiful butterfly? I see you each day flapping your wings and on some day, I see how you have turned your scars into beautiful art. My dear, I see you and I am proud of how far youContinue reading “#WinterABC24: Life stock take- To the butterfly”

#WinterABC24: African fashion- Ankara fabric to the world

We used to call the fabric African attire Was it the real name? I wonder All the male and female NIgerian actors wore the fabric. Then the world forgot about the fabric. Was it inflation or it was difficult to transport it? The fabric we received was lighter and only suitable for chitenges. One dayContinue reading “#WinterABC24: African fashion- Ankara fabric to the world”

#WinterABC24: African Unity and Pan-Africanism: My fellow brother

My fellow brother You and I can overcome obstacles as high as Mt Kilimanjaro We can use love and unity to build bridges and not break them. We come from the same root and we branch to different parts of the continent. My dear brother, you and I are one people. Embrace our identity inContinue reading “#WinterABC24: African Unity and Pan-Africanism: My fellow brother”

#WinterABC24 – Collaborations: The Echoes of Shattered Wishes

Him…..My purpose was defiance: to prove wrong the skepticswho whispered doubts like curses, to outpace time thatwas busy mocking my desperation with its ticks and tocksand… to down the weight of war-torn memories etchedinto my skin. “Impossible! ” my mind screamed to all that.Till I saw her. There I was with the coat, the shroudContinue reading “#WinterABC24 – Collaborations: The Echoes of Shattered Wishes”

#WinterABC24 -Content Creators and Globalization: Kick the ball

It seems as if we are in a spiderwebWe are connected one way or the other.A globe keeps moving in circles, it might stop in your home.Oh, my friend, your eyes and ears should be everywhere.Be conscious of one’s culture and religion.Avoid creating conflict, let us get rid of the hurtOne hearty story at aContinue reading “#WinterABC24 -Content Creators and Globalization: Kick the ball”

#WinterABC24: Blogging, society and driving change: A story and the voice

If l use my words Mama will scold you. Baba will be furious and no one will be at peace. I can’t keep quiet, the guilt is like acid Heaven knows I need to use my voice. As a family, we have been silent for too long. Tell me is there anyone brave enough toContinue reading “#WinterABC24: Blogging, society and driving change: A story and the voice”

#WinterABC24 -African Literature: The symbol of value

Dear Slyvia and Susan I refuse to drown my grief and pain with alcohol because my previous encounters have been harsh. I will allow myself to feel the pain and pray that the pain does not consume me. My heart is sore but I am not sure if it is anger, resentment, or grief. IContinue reading “#WinterABC24 -African Literature: The symbol of value”

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