A book review- An Elegy for Easterly

Author: Petina GappahCover rating: 3/5Overall rating:4/5Themes: corruption, family, marriage, poverty, HIV and AIDS, funeral rites, death, black tax, infertility, love, mental health We are three days into the new month. How has the new month treating you?  Don’t be too hard on yourself you are doing your best and I think it is brave thatContinue reading “A book review- An Elegy for Easterly”

A review:This is me the Metamorphosis of Ayo

Author: Patricia OpioCover rating:3/5Overall rating:4/5Themes: love, family, Christianity, HIV status,5stages of grief, courage, determination,self-care SUMMARYPatricia writes about her story and how her life changed when she turned twenty-five. The writer thought she had bigger problems but the news comes as a shock on her birthday because she is still a  virgin. Patricia struggles to comeContinue reading “A review:This is me the Metamorphosis of Ayo”

A review- The Polygamist

Author: Sue NyathiCover rating:3/5Overall rating:4/5Themes: love, sexual gender-based violence, family, lies, betrayal, HIV and AIDS, women empowerment SummaryThe Polygamist is a story about Jonasi (the polygamist) and his four wives which are Joyce, Matipa, Lindani and Essie. Joyce decides to get married to Jonasi even though he doesn’t have a lot of money and JoyceContinue reading “A review- The Polygamist”

WinterABC2021 Day 22- Homecoming (Part 2)

Day 22/22 is the last day of the WinterABC2021 and I am proud of everyone who decided to take part. I never thought I would come this far but here I am. I am thankful for the friends I have made, the lessons I have learnt and for my lovely readers who have taken thisContinue reading “WinterABC2021 Day 22- Homecoming (Part 2)”

WinterABC2021 Day 21: Homecoming (Part 1)

A man is lying on his bed starring at the window. Some people are crying whereas others are groaning in pain. Madzudzo is wearing grey pyjamas, a woollen hat and a pair of thick stockings. One would wonder why this man is punishing himself with the high temperatures experienced in the Lowveld of Zimbabwe duringContinue reading “WinterABC2021 Day 21: Homecoming (Part 1)”

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