Get a warm blanket and let’s catch up

Hey Darling reader

It has been months since I have had a monthly stocktake. A lot has been happening and sometimes all I can do is breathe. sometimes I feel as if my world is spinning, on other days I have my heart beaming with joy and on other days I beg Mwari to carry me. Amid all the rollercoaster of a ride, I will stick around because like what my Darling Fadzayi always says, “tirikuda kuona kuti zvichasvikepi”.

I need one thing from you though before I start my chatting up session, get a warm blanket and sit with me. Darling Winter is here!

It is all fun and games until the road you use is under construction

Shout out to all the people who still make it to work on time even though they have to go through a maze on their way to work. The road construction has shown me how impatient and selfish am. Everyone wants to get to their destination and are even breaking the law. The dust has been one of the stressful things, maybe I should stop wearing light-coloured clothes until the road construction is over? Amid all the chaos, it has been exciting using the new routes on my way home. Trying something new is good.

Are you okay? Please do come back, I miss you……

Longing for some creatives to get their spark back

I miss reading content from some of the creatives that I met when I became a blogger four years ago. These creatives motivated me to write and they somehow made me believe in my craft. Maybe they have others prioritise now but I do hope they get their spark back.

My Yondo sisters, where have you been?…..

My sisters and I created a WhatsApp group and I have been having a good laugh. Besides me being the group icon, Netflix has nothing on the quality content. I love those two girls too much and I love that we might have different personalities but we do get along like a house on fire. It has been less than a month since the group was created but we are having so much fun. What did it take us ages to create a Whatsapp group? Oh, I just remembered Sdu was in school.?

Privacy is power……

What people don’t know they won’t destroy. I somehow learnt it the hard way so here I am moving around with a big zip and pin on my lips. I have also realised that keeping your life private does not mean you are not living your best life. It might be private but you will be enjoying every bit of it.

My little friend….

I have a new little friend, he is chubby and adorable. We do laugh and video call sometimes and I love it. One thing that I am sure of is I will cry when I do see him.

How will they remember you?…..

The death of Mpho Sebeng left fans, friends and relatives in pain. Mpho was a great performer, how do I know that? I am a fan of South African soapies. Mpho was a great performer and he carried each role like it was his story. He allowed his body to be the vessel that told a story and I connected with his characters from Saint and Sinners, Savage Beauty, Ring of Lies and MisEducation. I watched performers mourn for his loss and in the words of AubreyBoo “How are we here”, grieving a young life who had so much potential and so much to offer. May God continue to comfort the family, fans and creative community.

Be kind always…..

People are going through a lot, they are fighting battles that have invisible scars and wounds. The best thing one can do is to be kind, it won’t even hurt.

How can I ignite the fire?….

Send chocolates and a bowl full of ice cream so that we can cry together. I used to love reading but then these days I can’t even read a chapter from a book. Everything feels strange, but I love to read and what scares me is what if I have fallen in love with reading? I have been trying to read a few pages of poetry but it isn’t exciting anymore. On the bright sunny side, at least I have been listening to podcast episodes.

Learn or perish…..

I have been following and reading Shadhaya’s content on social media. It is interesting and he does have some strong arguments on some of the issues he addresses. Hey you, stop judging me this is a free country!

Pay attention and open your eyes…..

There is so much goodness and love in this world, the first thing you need to do is pay attention. I realised that there are spaces where I belong, spaces where I am loved loudly and spaces where I belong. All I had to do was open my eyes and give the same energy that I was given.

My last words to you my reader….

Give yourself grace, you have been doing your best. Allow yourself to feel the pain. Cry, scream and talk about it, yes it hurt and we cannot run away. Pray and remember that this is your life, there is no need to please the next person.

Published by tcndangana

The girl with an overactive imagination

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