#WinterABC24: Life stock take- To the butterfly

Dear The Baobab ( my older self) Who would have thought that you would turn into a beautiful butterfly? I see you each day flapping your wings and on some day, I see how you have turned your scars into beautiful art. My dear, I see you and I am proud of how far youContinue reading “#WinterABC24: Life stock take- To the butterfly”

#WinterABC24- Folk stories and preserving culture: The Sarungano and the audience

The storyteller was referred to as the Sarungano   In most cases, it was a woman Amai, Tete or Mbuya It was because the mother was expected to Instil values and morals in the child The folktales were narrated in the mother language. “Paivepo” the narrator would say. “Dzepfunde” the children would answer . The children wouldContinue reading “#WinterABC24- Folk stories and preserving culture: The Sarungano and the audience”

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