#WinterABC24: Life stock take- To the butterfly

Dear The Baobab ( my older self)

Who would have thought that you would turn into a beautiful butterfly? I see you each day flapping your wings and on some day, I see how you have turned your scars into beautiful art. My dear, I see you and I am proud of how far you have come. Do you remember some of Ma’s sayings that kept you grounded and principled? Oh, Darling, you might have forgotten so allow the six-year-old self, to hold your hand and take a walk down memory lane.

Pronounce the words at once

In first Grade, I was unable to read. Everyone at my house dreaded the time for homework. My aunts and uncles would prefer to do any task than help me with homework. I am grateful for my after-school teacher who helped me read and write so well. Mama always jokingly says, “The girl who could not read has a podcast and a blog”. This has taught me that it takes a village to raise a child and patience pays. If Mama had not been patient with me, she would have given up and what would have become of me?

A dot is better than a circle

In Junior School, Ma used to bring my birthday cake to school and let me choose my friends so that they would be part of my photos. The child in me thought the more friends that I have the more happier I would be. Experiences have taught me there is no power in numbers. Sometimes it is better to have a smaller circle and have the comfort that your friends will be there for you no matter what. On your difficult days, they will show up and remind you that you are loved.

No one is going to come and save you….

Some people might hate it but circumstances have taught me that I can do some things on my own. I have learnt to distinguish between need and want. I have learnt to live without some things and focus on the crucial things. One would wonder why it is like this. I was raised by a single Mother, oh Darling I know the struggle of going to boarding school with just enough. I watched some girls talking about their fathers and in my head, it was just a fantasy. When thrown into a deep end, this girl will swim and save herself.

We fall, we fail, we learn and grow

If I was to tell you of the times I have failed we could have the whole day. There were days I cried about my past failures and I judged myself harshly. With time I had conversations with my younger self and I would see the rays of healing and peace entering my heart. Life has humbled me, some experiences have taught me to let go and to see people differently. All this has choked and helped me grow and each lesson is essential in my life.

Train the vessel that carries you

Your mind is powerful the moment you train your mind you will be surprised at what you can do. Brushing your teeth before bed has become the norm and the long day-end walk isn’t that long or painful anymore. It is because you trained your mind and your body followed suit. The moment you train the mind to believe in the impossible you will realize how amazing you are!

Darling, pour a warm cup of tea, binge-watch your favourite series and stay warm. I am proud of and I hope this letter has warmed your heart.

Bye for now!

Mrs Brown( your younger self)

Published by tcndangana

The girl with an overactive imagination

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