is this the end, is this time to say goodbye?

If this is the end and time and time to say goodbye, I will promise I won’t cry because that will be unfair of me.

I will wave you goodbye with a smile on my face.

If this is the end and if this is goodbye, then I will remember and treasure the experience we shared.

If this is the end and if this is goodbye, I want you to know that I am not angry at you.

How can I be angry at you when you gave me so much to remember?

If this is the end and if this is goodbye all I have is one question and I hope that one day you will be able to answer me.

But if you are not able to answer it I am at peace with your decision.

If this is goodbye, I am glad that I gave you a long hug the last time we met.

If this is the end and goodbye and I will never see you again, I will remember you for your smile, for being kind and being yourself.

If this is goodbye and I will never see you again, I wish you well.

I pray that you go out there and flare your wings and do all the things you always wanted to do.

If this is the end and if this is goodbye I hope you find peace, joy and happiness.

If this is the end and if this is goodbye, I want to know that your name will always be engraved on my heart.

Lots of love


Published by tcndangana

The girl with an overactive imagination

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