WinterABC2021 Day 22- Homecoming (Part 2)

Day 22/22 is the last day of the WinterABC2021 and I am proud of everyone who decided to take part. I never thought I would come this far but here I am. I am thankful for the friends I have made, the lessons I have learnt and for my lovely readers who have taken thisContinue reading “WinterABC2021 Day 22- Homecoming (Part 2)”

WinterABC2021 Day 21: Homecoming (Part 1)

A man is lying on his bed starring at the window. Some people are crying whereas others are groaning in pain. Madzudzo is wearing grey pyjamas, a woollen hat and a pair of thick stockings. One would wonder why this man is punishing himself with the high temperatures experienced in the Lowveld of Zimbabwe duringContinue reading “WinterABC2021 Day 21: Homecoming (Part 1)”

WinterABC2021 Day 3- My love,the radio

In 2019 my mother and l decided to buy a new radio because the load-shedding hours had become unbearable. We would go for more than ten hours without an electrical connection and l remember waking up in the dark and going to bed in the dark. The only time l could switch on the lightContinue reading “WinterABC2021 Day 3- My love,the radio”

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