The thief

His mother wailed and said “moyo wangu unodzimba, mandiuraya”  

Her joy and hopes had been cut short. 

She had never thought of burying her child. 

All she wanted was to watch him grow and achieve his dreams. 

MaNcube was in pain and she kept saying “Why me?” 

She rolled on the ground and wept like a baby. 

It was painful to watch, death is unbearable and a thief.  

MaNcube lay on her ground and wept in silence. 

Her aunts told everyone to let her be. 

“Let her grieve we all grieve differently,” her uncle said. 

Who were we to tell her how to grieve when we had not lost a son?

MaNcube began to wail when Senzi entered the gate. 

Sahwira, mwana wangu aenda, hona ndasara ndega” 

Mucus, tears and sweat covered MaNcube’s face. 

Senzi embraced her friend and she wept in her arms. 

Some mourners thought she had lost her mind. 

Oh grief can surely do that, it is painful and unexpected. 


Some mourners said Chandi had embarked on a journey. 

Some mourners said he was resting or sleeping. 

Some even said his ancestors had welcomed him

He is sipping a cup of traditional beer while watching his mother. 

Some said his Maker took back His flower. 

Maybe these theories were just a way of dealing with grief.

Maybe it was a way of trying to comfort the aching heart. 

Maybe that way Chandi’s death would be less painful. 

We would be comforted that he is in a better place!

This blog post was inspired was Oliver Mtukudzi’s song Tinomuchema. Did I do justice to the song?

Published by tcndangana

The girl with an overactive imagination

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