#WinterABC24: The blogging journey: The driving force

Today I have decided to invite you backstage so that you get to see the tiny fragments that make The Baobab. My story isn’t complete without Ma, she instilled my love for reading and writing stories. Reading showed me the power of storytelling and how we can get lost in a good story. I also believe I inherited my creativity from Ma and this makes me smile because that means I am not adopted. My journey has a lot of people who carried me and I am forever grateful to these people.

I am a fan of African Literature and I love this genre because the stories are relatable. This is my hope and wish when the reader reads my work. I hope they will love it and see parts of themselves in my craft. My stories are not a fantasy, but one’s reality.

Time has taught me that inspiration can come from anywhere, sometimes you just have to open your eyes or take time to listen. Sometimes my struggles and pain birthed a story and in the end, I found healing. Sometimes my joy fuels me to want to create more and do something I love. Sometimes my imagination will force me to wake up and only let me rest when I have written my first draft.

When the mic drops and the curtain on the stage falls, I hope my audience will smile. What will they say of my craft? I do hope that it changed their lives. I also want my audience to know that it is their love and support that motivated me to keep on working harder.

Published by tcndangana

The girl with an overactive imagination

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