#WinterABC24: Blogging, society and driving change: A story and the voice

If l use my words Mama will scold you.

Baba will be furious and no one will be at peace.

I can’t keep quiet, the guilt is like acid

Heaven knows I need to use my voice.

As a family, we have been silent for too long.

Tell me is there anyone brave enough to speak up?

When Jonasi took his life, everyone made fun of him

“He was an ungrateful, stupid and weak man”

If only we had been observant, his life would have been saved.

Chamu has a battered face, she isn’t the girl I played pads with.

A part of her died.

Yet VaTete keeps telling her to stay with her abusive husband.

Should we wait until her body is brought home?

Baba made fun of me because I quit my job

I struggled to sleep and anxiety attacks became my companion.

Should I have waited until I lost my mind?

I can’t be silent anymore, I need to do what I can.

Allow me to get my notebook and create a story.

My stories aren’t a fantasy or a fable.

They are real-life experiences that hurt me.

Maybe if I use fictional characters my family will pay attention.

Maybe if I let The Baobab carry the stories there will be hope.

Maybe if I use my voice on my blog there will be change!

Published by tcndangana

The girl with an overactive imagination

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