#WinterABC2023 Rekindling the fire: Day 20- This is goodbye

Dear Wandile

I write this letter from a place of love, healing, and acceptance. I am at peace with what happened between us. There was a time I hated you for calling off the engagement, but Wandile I now understand. When you called off the engagement I was hurt, I even thought of going to the witch doctor. I wanted you to be mine, but then it would not be love, you would become my puppet. But then it dawned on me that sometimes you cannot force love.

When you broke up with me I was hurt, I could not be in many places because it seemed like your scent or presence was there. Ice cream, fries, and chocolates began to taste like cardboard. I never liked those foods but they became my favourites because of you. Wandile, there was a time I wanted to do something that would make me end up in the hospital. But Busi’s words kept me in check, “if you die or get admitted to the hospital if he doesn’t want you back those acts won’t change anything.”

If our engagement had made it to the vows and the wedding aisle we would not have made it to our first anniversary. The two of us hate divorce and I wonder how we would have survived it. Maybe I would have stayed because I was too scared of being lonely. I can’t erase the picture in my head of how my father was a miserable single man.

I wish you well, and I hope you find the love that you are looking for and deserve. You will always have a part of my heart Wandile. The next time that we meet feel free to greet me. The world is so small who knows our kids might be at the same school or you might end up being my husband’s business partner. I do not want to scold my children for befriending your kids because we hate each other.

Take care of yourself and do all the things you ever wanted. I guess this is goodbye


Published by tcndangana

The girl with an overactive imagination

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